Thursday, January 10, 2013

Class Work / Disscussion

10 Vigilantes:  (not used in post)

Myth Sources:

The way the myths have changed from being told by mouth and being written down would be different depending on who wrote them. According to the article the Norse i would guess frown upon what we consider heroes because it states; " The gods, and particularly Odin, are frequently said to take part in the affairs of men, but, since few of the heroic sagas were written before the 14th century and the aim of their authors was often entertainment rather than instruction, these sagas can be used as sources only with utmost discrimination. " meaning that heroes like we know of from Disney and other places are used just for entertainment while it should be  used as something to teach a lesson to younger generations who hear the tale. There is also a tale that speaks of the Norse having something to do with the Swedish as quoted here : "The first section of this book, the“Ynglinga saga,” is of particular interest, for in it, Snorri described the descent of the kings of Norway from the royal house of Sweden, the Ynglingar, who, in their turn, were said to descend from gods. Snorri used such written sources as were available; he also relied on skaldic poems, some of which were very old. Snorri visited Norway twice and Sweden once, and he probably used popular traditions that he heard in both countries. " leaving us to conclude that where he got his information was not quite clear but actually just spread out from his visits to the countries. There is also talk in another work mentioned that some scenery described was christian like, which may conclude that by the time the information was written down that Christianity already started to spread across the country. 

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